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Eclectica- Gothic Mantle Clock

Eclectica- Gothic Mantle Clock

Thankyou for your purchase!

There are a few things you will need to know to get the most from your purchase.

All pieces I make are copyable and modifiable. Please make a backup of any piece before you modify it.

This is a working clock, inspired by Gothic design, taking a familiar radio and making it suitable for those who want accessories to suit a darker themed home. Touching it will give you a menu that allows you to reset the clock to various RL timezones, as well as SL (Los Angeles) time. The menu will also allow you to nominate daylight savings time if it is applicable.

There are two in the pack. One has dark gold trim and the other dark silver.

Despite the scripts being no-mod, the mesh body is, so you are able to resize manually as well as tint the surfaces for colour matching.

Tinting mesh is a little different to tinting prims, as each object behaves as one prim. So instead of editing linked prims, you will need to use the "Select Face" button to choose the part you'd like to tint. There are several sections which are separate faces and so glow, shine and tinting can be tweaked independently. I recommend tinting just the face if you want something to match your decor.

The clock has a land impact of 6, standing at .55m tall. This includes rotating cogs to show some working mechanism inside. It is possible to unlink these and delete them if you would like a lower-land-impact version.

Please scroll down to related items for matching furniture.

If you need assistance, please contact me (Tiffy Vella) via IM, as I may be able to help you even when not inworld. I do not mind questions, and would rather the opportunity to help if there is any issue.

All the best, and please enjoy using my designs to make your sl environment a little more immersive and expressive. :)

See item in Second Life
  • Original mesh.
  • Copy and modify.
  • Classic Gothic styling.
  • A functioning clock.
  • Touch for timezone and daylightsavings time options.