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Eclectica- Gothic Wall Fountain- black

Eclectica- Gothic Wall Fountain- black

Thankyou for your interest.

This item is copy and mod friendly. It is original mesh, unique to Eclectica, made with love by Tiffy Vella, who adores old vintagey stuff, 3D modeling and texturing.

Please always edit a copy of your item. Keep a master version in your inventory. I will happily send you a new version if you bork one up, but only if you are very, very nice.*

This is a gothic styled wall-mounted fountain, which can either sit empty in your garden, or be turned on to provide some movement and sound.

All items are original mesh with copy+mod permissions. There are some scripts which are no-mod. In this case, particle and sound scripts are full perm.

There are two size versions included in the pack. The smaller version is 1.5m tall. The larger version is 2.2m tall. You can resize these, but please know that the land impact may change as a result.

The fountain has a land impact of 1 (small), or 5 (large), when rezzed, and this is when it is empty and turned off. When touched, it can spawn gently moving water (2li) and the jets needed to work the nozzles (1li).


Put it where you need it. Touch it for a menu.

"Fill" will fill the two bowls of the fountain with moving water.
"Nozzles on" will cause water to spurt from all the spurters, and make a watery sound.
"Nozzles off" will turn off the spurters, but not empty the bowls.
"EMPTY" will remove all and leave the fountain empty.

Please note that all scripts for the particle water and sounds are full perm. If you wish to play with them, go for it, but make sure you are editing a copy.

If you need to resize the fountain, please note that the rezzable items inside the contents will also need to be resized and have their positions checked. If you need help, please ask.

There are 6 colour versions of this fountain, plus a texturechanging all-colours version. There are also matching ground-standing versions. Please scroll down to related items to see!

If you need assistance, please contact me (Tiffy Vella) via IM, as I may be able to help you even when not inworld. I do not mind questions, and would rather the opportunity to help if there is any issue.

All the best, and please enjoy using my designs to make your sl environment a little more immersive and expressive. :)

See item in Second Life
  • Original mesh.
  • Copy & modifiable.
  • A working wall-mounted fountain.
  • Provides water sounds.
  • Touch to fill/empty/use nozzles.