Quality vintage mesh glasses, virtually handcrafted with love.
There are a few things you will need to know to get the most from your purchase.
All pieces I make are copyable and modifiable. Please make a backup of any piece before you modify it. If you forget, right-click on the item in your inventory and copy/paste it before you detach. That way, you may be able to redeem an unchanged version if you have an oopsy. If this doesn't work, please contact me (IMs are best).
These glasses are scripted to texturechange, and also to resize via script if you prefer to do it that way. To access these options, please touch the glasses for a dropdown menu which will guide you through the texturechanging and resizing choices. there are 9 choices each for the lenses, metal rims, the metal arms and bridge, the earpieces, and the gems. There are texture choices for a range of moods; from pale to dark, subtle and brightly-hued.
As the glasses are modifiable, you may use the edit menu to customise them. You may hand tint any face to further customise the look. The separate faces are: the lenses, the rims, the arms/bridge, the earpieces, and the gems. The lenses have been set to 30% transparency, and you may certainly change this if you prefer (for example, if you find there is a clash between the glasses and hair transparency). At 0% transparency, the lenses will be opaque, and at 100% they will be invisible.
The lenses and the gems have a tiny amount of glow. Tinker away if you like :)
The glasses are unrigged and attach to the nose. You can change this to suit your own preferences of course, and you can adjust them on your face according to hairstyle. Yes you can rotate them to sit on your head, but don't lose them up there!
The Eclectica Ritual Glasses are an original mesh creation, inspired by a Victorian/Bohemian aesthetic. They are gorgeously detailed, and designed with up-close photography in mind. As they are unrigged, you may happily leave them sitting on your desk as clutter.
Do IM me if you have any queries....or if you'd like to see something demoed if you want to doubly triply check something...or just want to nicely suggest stuff.
And most importantly, please have much fun wearing, and combining with your own outfits.
Demos are available inworld.
Just visit the Eclectica shop in Sinaburoe or IM Tiffy Vella inworld with any queries.
- Free Demo available in Mainstore, inworld.
- Unique designs, by original designer.
- Low-lag scripted features.
- Texture-changing flexibility.
- Friendly perms and removable scripts.