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Egozy Production ©. The Mesh Project Appliers (Only For TheMeshProject !)

۞ What is included with your purchase ? :

8 Hairbases & 8 Eyebrows + (No Eyebrows).
6 Eyeshadows & 12 Lipsticks (Make Up).
Body applier for #The Mesh Project.
10 Tattoos Cleavages (M & L Sizes)..
Classic BodySkin (For Shapes User : No Mesh) WARNING : NO FACE for basic shapes user !

۞ Hud Appliers :

Slink Hands & Feet,Lolas Tango,Phat A** (Cute A**),Sking Brazilia Booty & Boop! Boom Breast,Baby Bump.

Ps: Ghetto Booty Notecard are not included but it can be sent, just im Nicole Button with your transaction history.

۞ Follow us on Flickr & Facebook ♐


۞ Store Policy :

Every products are NOT Refundable The only refunds accepted are those for accidental double purchases of the same item.
All products are copy/no mod/no transfer.

۞ Customer Support :

♐ For support please send me a notecard (Nicole Button) with your transaction details and your questions.


۞ Marketplace Tip ■

To protect yourself from cheaters, don't click "Buy" until you make sure: the seller is not new in SL, the product has a history of positive reviews, legacy name of the product's real creator (in-world) and that of the Marketplace seller are IDENTICAL.

All Items created by Nicole Button are protected by Linden Labs & Marketplace and Copyrighted.


  • HighQuality Skin Applier (TMP) (Realistic and Detailed).
  • Eyeshadows & Lipsticks Applier Included (TMP)
  • Many Options included (TMP) (Hairbases,Eyebrows,etc...)
  • Hud Appliers Included (Slink,Lolas,BabyBump,etc....)
  • Cleaveage Option Included for BodyShape.