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Egyptian Tomb Backdrop

Egyptian Tomb Backdrop
Egyptian Tomb Backdrop
0 Reviews

No matter if you use it as a backdrop, a stage, a (secret) chamber or as a real tomb on a RP sim, this little built is a hommage to Ancient Egypt, a topic I love since I was young (and that's a while ago).

The tomb itself is copy and modifyable.
From the outside the entrance is transparent, but from the inside you are really in a tomb with 4 "solid" walls. (look at the pics, plz). If you don't like that, change it yourself or don't hesitate to call me or ascarion resident for help.

For decoration and fun there are 4 Canopic jars and a potted plant to add some green.
The sarcophagus is NOT included.

You get:
The tomb (Copy/modify, 8 LI, entrance transparent)
4 Canopic jars (Copy, 1 LI each)
1 potted plant (Copy/modify, 2 LI)

So if you use all items it's 14 LI.
Have fun!

(Visit the backdrop at my sandbox!
The last pic shows you how you'll see it there.)

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L$ 160

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Absinthe, Art & Angels II
Absinthe, Art & Angels II
Sold by: SammyJoey

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Land Impact: 8