.Eldritch. Gabha Pendant
A blacksmith-worthy piece of modest adornment, this item comes with a range of metal options to allow you to make it match whatever type of character you want. Apprentice blacksmith without a coin to their name, wild-living barbarian with naught but crudely smelted iron to twist and shape, or a plundered gold trinket dangling at the neck.
Don't let the price fool you, it is no small amount of quality. Every so often, however, even the poorest deserve a deal, and this is my solution.
Touch scripted for texture change, pre-sized for men and women, fully modifiable. Automatic updates.
- Custom, unique HD sculpts and textures
- Touch scripting for metal options
- Automatic updates
- Unisex - Suits men and women equally
Whorng thinks
I buy one for me and my whife, and it stay entre insede my neck an she neck skin, in ao make the av movenmants
Better than what I expected
Everything Cadence said is correct, it sits right, the size is perfect and the nicely made textures and colors make this an excellent deal for the price! I would definitely recommend this to anyone!