G General

Elegant house (75 land impact)

Elegant house (75 land impact)

This elegant house is full linked, it is 75 land impact (146 prims while unlinked)

The house includes:

- 2 floors (1st floor: kitchen and a big living room with a fireplace; 2nd floor: 3 rooms, bathroom, balcony)
- the kitchen and the bathroom are furnished
- fireplace with realistic animated fire
- scripted doors (open/close by click)
- scripted floor lamps (light on/off by click)
- 20/30/13 m
- no animations included

All prims are modify and copy, the scripts are only copy.

If you have any questions- just ask.


See item in Second Life
Average rating: full star full star full star full star full star
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  • 1 star:
Nicely made house!
full star full star full star full star full star Posted September 08, 2012 by Latexina Pinklady

Nicely made house!

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