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Elevator Script Package Builders Edition バージョン 2.7.0

Elevator Script Package Builders Edition

Now supports mesh elevator cars with animation-based movement instead of physics. Please note that Union Micro currently does not offer mesh elevator parts. Legacy install disk that uses physics is also included.

The builders' edition of our Generation 2 Script Package will allow you to install a completed elevator system into your prefabs when combined with our full permission elevator shells. Your customers will then only need to come to Union Micro and purchase an "Elevator Unlocker" for L$200 to enable their new elevator in your prefab. One unlocker will provide the user with a serial number that can be used in any Generation 2 elevator that they own. Elevator Unlocker affiliate vendors are included with this package for you to rez at your shop for your customer's convenience - these affiliates pay no commission.

Have peace of mind knowing that you have the latest in elevator technology as well as having complete control of how your elevator system is integrated into your building - everything from the positioning of the cars and doors to the textures and shapes of the cars and doors.

Hassle free! Once your elevator is packaged into your building you can forget about it! Your customers can purchase an unlocker on their own and get their elevator up and running without bothering you! The unlocker also comes with quick start instructions to help them on their way!

The elevator scripts are all copy and transfer enabled, however the disk which installs the scripts is no-transfer. This ensures that you only transfer the scripts in a pre-installed elevator and are not able to redistribute the disk itself.

Also included is a Proxy Disk which can be used on a running elevator system to convert it back to a set of non-functional shells. This disk is also included with the personal edition Script Package, should you choose to sell your prefab with a non-functional elevator instead. Your customer would then be required to purchase their own Script Package to get their elevator running.

For further details on the features of the elevator system, please refer to the elevator shell documentation (see below) and personal edition Script Package documentation.

Builders' Edition added December 28th, 2008.
Updated December, 2021.
Current version: 2.7.0

Install Disk - This disk will install the elevator scripts into your elevator. It also doubles as an update disk.
Install Disk [Builders' Edition] (Legacy) - This will install the older physics-based scripts from version 2.6.2.
Proxy Disk - This disk will install the proxy scripts into your elevator to convert everything back to shells.
Elevator Unlocker - This is your own personal unlocker so you can generate a serial number to test your elevators.
Elevator Unlocker Vendor - You can place this near your building vendors so your customers won't have to come to Union Micro to buy an unlocker.
Free Updates - Simply rez your Script Package box to ask the update server for an update.

1) Can I give away the complete builders' edition Script Package or a part of it?
You may include the elevator scripts inside an elevator system as long as it is a part of a building/prefab. You may not freely distribute the scripts by themselves.

2) Can I use the builders' edition to create and sell elevators by themselves?
No, you can not sell elevators by themselves. The elevator must be incorporated into a building.

3) Is there anything special I must do to the elevator shells and scripts before I sell them with my building?
You must change the next owner permission to no-transfer.

4) What happens if there's an elevator update released by Union Micro?
After you receive the update you would have to update the elevator scripts in your building by rezzing the updated Install Disk and reinstalling the scripts. Then you would need to repackage the entire building and send it out as an update. Unfortunately there is no way for your customers to install elevator updates without buying their own Script Package. Join the Union Micro Support group to receive news of product updates so you can decide if the update is important enough for you to update your building. You may want to include this information in your informational notecards informing your customers that they may or may not get elevator updates.

5) Where else can I look for frequently asked questions?
You can find more questions in the info notecards for the shells.

Car, doors and controller shells are required for a functional elevator system.

No refunds on copyable items.

Second Life の商品を表示 ビデオを表示 »
  • Physics or animation based movement
  • Realistic elevator logic
  • Full user access control
  • Integrated teleporter system
  • Fully customizable
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