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Elizabethan Courtier - Female

Elizabethan Courtier - Female
Elizabethan Courtier - Female
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Of all aspects of Elizabethan culture, the most distinctive may well be its clothing. It was a highly fashion-conscious age, and prized a look that was elaborate, artificial, stylized, and striking. Men and women alike were concerned to be wearing the latest and most fashionable outfits, and although the clothes we associate with the Elizabethans were worn primarily by the upper classes, their fashions influenced ordinary people as well. Paintings that hung in the great country houses revealed the Elizabethan love of display in the minute details of splendid costume - both men and women portrayed in rich, heavy velvets and brocades thickly jeweled, of stiff and exaggerated shapes, set off by fine lace ruffs (pleated neck pieces) and cuffs.

This costume for sale is based on period portraits, with a "wheel style" farthingale. I created an AO just for this costume (with standing and fanning animations). The costume comes with an elaborate feather fan, shoes, ruff and headrail, veil and jewelry. Costume also has an optional train in the back.

Please IM Amethyst Dominica if you have any questions about this product (and don't forget to visit the rest of my Marketplace Store for more costumes, textures and accessories!)

L$ 599

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Amethyst's Accessories
Sold by: Amethyst Dominica

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