Emma's Roman Bath Temple
2 versions: 10 & 31 LI / prims
mod / copy
10 x 10 footprint
Constructed from dark marble with beautiful inlays, the domed roof held aloft by 4 graceful columns, this is a lovely addition to your home, garden, beach or forest.
Poses for up to 8 people - relax and chat, or just chill :) by the warm steamy water, letting your thoughts drift as the gentle water sounds lull and soothe you.
SLIM version - 10 LI / prims: An animation menu lets up to 8 avatars sit around the pool. Full instructions for use provided. Inside one of the floor prims is a full version of the free-to-use nPose menu, feel free to add / adjust your poses.
31 LI / prim version: 8 pose balls surround the water with cute poses - you can hide or show these via a simple chat command. Full instructions provided.
A free DEMO version is now available - click the "Get the DEMO version" button under BUY NOW to go to the listing and buy it for L$0. I hope you will like it enough to buy the full version:).
You are very welcome to visit the store to see my other work of course.
Emma :)
P.S. and I would love your review... please :)
See item in Second Life- 10 x 10 footprint marble roman bath temple, 2 versions, 10 & 31 LI / prims
- 8 pose balls with show / hide in primmy temple, nPose menu in SLIM version
- animated water with steam and sound
- modify & copy permissions, no transfer
- most scripts and animations are no modify
Very Nice :)
I tried the demo version of this like suggested by yourself and once I had tried it out, I loved it. I prefer the 10 Prim version, not a fan of the pose balls but love it. Thank you :)
This Roman bath and temple is absolutely gorgeous. Beautifully designed in style and textures, a true work of art. I just wish it had a few prims less ... for a small plot of land, it's a bit on the heavy side.
L$ 90
Land Required
This item requires that you have access to land in Second Life in order to use it.
- Copy
- Modify
- Transfer
- User Licensed