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Equine Bridle for AnthroXtacy Aventity & Kinzart Avatar

Equine Bridle for AnthroXtacy  Aventity & Kinzart Avatar


This is a simple Horse Bridle, with versions for:-

AnthroXtacy - Horse, Zebra & Donkey Avatars
(with versions for the older avatar and the new update released Jan-Feb 2011)
Aventity - Horse Avatar
(with bridles for the older avatar and the new updated Version 2)
Kinzart - Horse and Clysdale Horse Avatars

It comes with two HUD's a full version that has colour changer options for fourteen leather colours and a choice of three metals. And a cut down version that take less space and scripts for just the Bridle Bit and Blinker options.

In preperation for personal script limits the bridle uses a single control script, rather than individual sub scripts in every prim.

The Bridle can either be attached (currently assigned to the Mouth) as a seperate attachment, or linked it to a copy of the equine head, combining the two items.

But you've seen the picture, now you want to see how it looks on your avatar.

---: Positioning & Linking Guide :---

Find a sandbox or a place you can build. Place out copies of the correct Bridle and matching Equine Head.

To make it easy to position everything, the bridle has had it's root prim placed to exactly match that of the Equine head it is to be attached to.

Open edit and click on the Head, go to the Objects tab of the Edit panel and make a note of the Position Co-ordinates X, Y & Z (I always move the object to the nearest whole meter by typing into the co-ordinate box), then make a note of the Rotation X, Y & Z in the same way.

Now go to the Bridle and type the numbers across so they are identical and once you have finished the item will be perfectly aligned and ready to link.

Select the Bridle FIRST and the Equine Head part SECOND (Holding Control down to select multiple objects), then go to the top menu Tools and down to Link (Control - L). All done, rename the Head to show it has the Bridle attached, pick up and wear. (If you link the Head to the Bridle, you'll need to reattach it to your avatar in the correct location and reposition it).

  • Sculptie Design
  • Scripted Colour Changer
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