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Eudora 3D Elsbeth Stilettos (Slink High) DEMOS / Copy / Boxed

Eudora 3D Elsbeth Stilettos (Slink High) DEMOS / Copy / Boxed

- Released on August 2014

- This Shoes are for the Slink AvEnhance Feet Female HIGH, you will need those feet to wear them. Be sure you have the feet updated for a perfect fitting.

- Realistic high detailed mesh Stilettos with HQ textures
- Ultimate script technology, only 1 script per shoe & HUD to avoid lag.
- Fast system to navigate through HUD pages and select textures.
- Fully Customizable.
- 2 different parts of the shoe available to retexture.
- 10 different texture sets available for Sole.
- 4 different textures sets available for Metals.
- Social media buttons to connect with us.
- Modify shoe base.
- Easy instructions inside.

Check the FREE DEMO available.

All our mesh models are unique, protected by copyrights and exclusive from our store, always modelled from scratch and using HQ textures.

If you have any question contact Eudora3D via notecard or check our web page.

See item in Second Life