G General

FCD Bed Room Set - Cool 2 [BOXED] - Copy

FCD Bed Room Set - Cool 2 [BOXED] - Copy

Included in your FCD Bed Room Set (Cool) is:

Bedside Lamp - 1 LI
Bedside Table - 1 LI
Closet - 2 LI
Double Bed - 6 LI

Total: 10 LI
100% Mesh
Perms: Copy

The bed comes complete with MultiSit - multi anims for multi avatars; just click to sit, then choose animation from menu.

The FCD Bed Room Set (Cool) comes in a choice of 3 wood shades.

Alternatively, you might like the FCD Bed Room Set (Warm), which comes in a choice of 4 wood shades.

Enjoy! F. xx