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FGM-148 Javelin Anti-Tank Missile 1.0 Version 1.0

FGM-148 Javelin Anti-Tank Missile 1.0

The Omega Concern's FGM-148 Javelin is a fire-and-forget, reloadable anti-tank missile system with selectable attack profiles, intra- and inter-region target-tracking HUD display, predictive target tracking, and a tandem warhead to defeat hard targets using the Omega Combat System.

It features a real-time point-of-view target indicator to track and verify targets before engaging.

Rapid reloading, only taking 30 seconds to rearm the launcher after firing.

Brochure online at: https://sl.theomegaconcern.com/Javelin_Brochure.html

See item in Second Life
  • Original mesh model designed for SL
  • Low memory use (105 kb!), low script time, no lag
  • POV based target tracking HUD
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No sling animation at all.
full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Posted March 05, 2022 by TheZmajCap

Yeah, no, this is kind of a bust since it has no sling option. Will update if they ever include that. Will give a 5* review if it also gets vice.

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Would be perfect if...
full star full star full star empty star empty star Posted January 11, 2020 by Tyrannosaurus Alpha

The crouching wasn't so forced, you could actually holster it and not constantly have it forcing the same crouch animation all the time as long as it is on, even when not firing.
Kinda disappointing.
With these improvements it would be a whole lot better.

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While this may be one of the best looking anti-tank missiles out there....
full star full star full star full star full star Posted March 09, 2019 by ShawnVallance

I am really confused on whether or not this thing is meant only for the tanks that are sold by that creator or if it can be used with anything else. I tried multiple attempts with using this weapon on other objects and had zero luck with it. I even bought the hud thinking that was the way to fix it, but sadly also had no effect. I didn't want to rank this item with a single star, but if it is for use with the tank only, it would be appreciated if that was put down as a disclaimer.

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