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FLOWERING BLUE ALOE From The Moninckx Atlas | Mesh Designer Frame with 6 texture options

FLOWERING BLUE ALOE From The Moninckx Atlas | Mesh Designer Frame with 6 texture options

This gorgeous vintage botanical watercolour painting circa 1700 is a beautifully observed specimen painted by a Dutch master artist for inclusion in the amazing Moninckx Atlas of exotic plants.

With its clean backgrounds and clever use of white space, the image has a contemporary feel that will grace any room and suits both modern and vintage themed environments.

● Set within a plain mesh wood frame the illustration arrives with a Texture Changing Hud which allows you to customize and tint the frame to suit your personal tastes.

● Also includes a touch to access resize menu allowing you to adjust it's size up or down without changing it's aspect ratio proportions.

● Transfer permissions for easy personal gift exchanges or sharing with your alts.

The Art & Poster Store for when your walls are crying out for something new.

Check out the rest of our botanical illustrations collection…

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See item in Second Life
  • Flowering Blue Aloe
  • Moninckx Atlas
  • Botanical Illustration
  • Beech Wood Mesh Frame
  • Modify and Transfer Permissions