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FOCUS Gallery Magazine April 2021 Issue Version November 2022

FOCUS Gallery Magazine April 2021 Issue

This issue highlights our upcoming FOCUS Photography FAIR as well as interviews with the 3 winners of the 100k FOCUS Photography Competition

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  • A monthly HUD that offers links to some SL's most current artwork
  • Wearable HUD - click "add" to view
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This magazine is the bombbbb!!!
full star full star full star full star full star Publié le 2/5/2021 de Syn Huntress

Great artwork and articles!! All the issues are great and this one is no different!! The contests and editors picks is insane, the artwork these people do is truly amazing! Kudos on such a great publication!!

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Visually Stunning and Comprehensive... Eye Candy Feast
full star full star full star full star full star Publié le 2/5/2021 de Katheryn Llewellyn

SL Photography is huge, this magazine is the best way to get fully engaged in it. Visually, you get to see so many artists contribute and discover new names and faces joining in. Beyond just creating a publication, Focus has created the ultimate community so, it feels like you are in the know just as a subscriber. Between events, photography classes, and contests, you can leverage eye candy in these pages to expand your SL world to amazing bounds.

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Great on a date!
full star full star full star full star full star Publié le 2/5/2021 de Piggs Boucher

I have a special fondness for this April issue of FOCUS because it has the results of the big ol' contest which I think we all participated in. I like how well the magazine is put together with easy access to the sections. The gallerie HUD is great on a date. I appreciate the individual profiles as well as the spirit of FOCUS.

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Reading a Cool Artistic Magazine While Listening to a Singer or DJ
full star full star full star full star full star Publié le 2/5/2021 de Roz Azalee

I was at a live show the other day in was a musician. So I decided to chill and listen to the music while reading the April issue of Focus Magazine. First of the colors are quite beautiful and the articles are interesting to the point that I find myself tp'ing to a particular place mentioned in the magazine. It is jam packed with stuff and varied. Love it.

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A must to Read and Enjoy
full star full star full star full star full star Publié le 2/5/2021 de Hermes Kondor

By far the BEST way to be informed and updated about what happens in the world of Photography, Art and Culture in Second Life.
An excellent magazine, very well edited, that is always a pleasure to read and enjoy it.
My gratitude goes to the great Team that created with Love and hard work.
Thank YOU !!!

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Gem of a magazine!
full star full star full star full star full star Publié le 2/5/2021 de Bryce Sun

Focus has a great reach for advertisers and the articles are relevant! I love the art hud too that you can get with it. Without fail, each edition comes out perfect, on time and with love in the binding!

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