Footpaw Industries has been creating products in Second Life for over a decade.
This Lovely Precious Stone Jewelry Set also looks great on Furries, Neko, demons, Fae, Living Dolls, cyborg, Androids
... Whatever type of humanistic form your avatar is.
Box is scripted to unpack, simply Add & Click.
Belly Piercing
Hand Jewelry
Customize Color & Texture Hud - with multiple Gem and Metal textures that are Colorable
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Non rigged mesh / Prim items come with resizer scripts.
IF the item is scripted: The perms of scripts may make an item show as no mod in inventory, when in fact it is mod-able when worn or dropped in world. (IF permed as MOD)
As is true with any prim accessory from any merchant, basic editing skills will be required to adjust & get the best fit for your avatar's unique size and shape.
Clothing Layers / Appliers are no mod, unless stated otherwise.
Rigged Mesh and Fitted Mesh Objects can not be sized to fit your avatar.
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Visit The Footpaw Industries Store in world to see ALL our Rave, Neko, Furry, Jewelry, Clothing, Accessory and Adult items.