My gift to you this Fall Season, this Flag has 12 awesome Designs built-in! Owner can Touch for a menu. Object is Mod/Copy/Transfer, (script no mod.) Please share with others! Looks great on your porch!
Also be sure to check out my Autumn Leaves Particle Generator!
Check out my other things for more great Freebies!!!
See item in Second LifeGreat Flag!
2 prims, 12 flags; what more could you as for? And it's free! Thank You!
I have the Chrsitmas ones and it's nice to see other holidays!
SO cool! Who needs another flag when you can change it every day and never get bored? Thank you!
This is really cute, and looks nice outside the cottage we keep around for community use. Lots of cute textures, I had a hard time deciding which to flag design to use, so I actually do change it up as I'm walking by. I've gotten a few nice comments on it, and was happy to direct them to SL Exchange where they could get their own FOR FREE! Thanks!!