FREE high quality mesh T-shirt for fans of Future Shock by Pryda on YouTube
This shirt has copy and transfer permissions so you and your friends can proudly wear it.
Future shock is set in a dark future world where technology is designed to keep everyone safe and secure. At least that's the way it is meant to be.
Future Shock is a new and original SciFi cyberpunk machinima (virtual cinema) animation series in nine parts. It tells a story of a dark and terrifying future where technology dominates and where real life and virtual worlds intertwine.
The Future Shock series is designed for the interactive YouTube generation. Each episode is around 4 minutes long and to get the most out of it you will need to pause, rewind and revisit previous episodes. It is intended to entertain, provoke debate on technological and social trends and to explore what the future might actually hold.
See the video series on YouTube click on the link below:
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