This awesome wall clock has 4 faces you can set to any timezones you want with any labels!
Touch a clock face for an owner-only Menu where you can select your time zone and label description.
Includes nearly every time zone in the world! Full List below.
Now change Colors and Textures by Menu! Select from 3 base styles, and 9 colors. Plus each clock face can be any color you want out of 50 different choices!
Also includes many preset label names for each time zone, or you can enter in any label you want up to 10 characters each.
You can toggle Daylight Saving Time on/off for each clock face as well so it can automatically adjust when and if needed! (Based on US DST model.)
The object itself is Modifiable so you can open it in Edit and change the textures and colors manually too.
Feel free to share this item with your friends but do not resell it for any amount.
TIME ZONES LIST___________________________
All times are +/- Greenwich Mean Time (GMT). You can visit The World Clock website to learn your Time Zone's label.
GMT/WET: Greenwich Mean Time | London
GMT-1WAT/WAST: West Africa Time
GMT-2 AT: Azores Time
GMT-4 AST/ADT: Atlantic Time (Canada) | Halifax
GMT-5 EST/EDT: Eastern Standard Time | New York
GMT-6 CST/CDT: Central Standard Time | Chicago
GMT-7 MST/MDT: Mountain Standard Time | Denver
GMT-8 PST/PDT: Pacific Standard Time | Los Angeles
GMT-9 AKST: Alaska Standard Time | Anchorage
GMT-10 HAST: Hawaii-Aleutian Standard Time
GMT-11 NT: Nome Time
GMT-12 IDLW: International Date Line West
GMT+1 CET: Central European Time | Paris
GMT+2 EET: Eastern European Time | Istanbul
GMT+3 BT: Baghdad Time | Moscow
GMT+4 ZP4: USSR Zone 3 | Dubai
GMT+5 ZP5: USSR Zone 4| Islamabad
GMT+5:45 NPT: Kathmandu, Nepal
GMT+6 ZP6: USSR Zone 5 | Dhaka
GMT+7 CXT: Christmas Island Time (Australia)
GMT+8 CCT/WST: China Coast/Australian Western
GMT+9 JST: Japan Standard Time | Tokyo
GMT+9:30 ACST: Australian Central Standard Time
GMT+10 EAST: East Australian Standard Time
GMT+10:30 CDT: Australian Central Daylight Time
GMT+12 IDLE: International Date Line East/New Zealand Time
See item in Second LifeIf you want the HUD, follow the link above
Hello everyone around,
I have made the HUD for myself of this very good product. I cant read 860 reviews to find who made a hud and where I can find it.
So my pleasure to share it with you.
WARNING : I am not a programer nor a builder nor a mathématician ! If the HUD doesn't run on your screen, dont blame mee and send to trash the clock. If it runs and if it's ok, just tell me. I will appréciate.
The adress where to find the HUD :
Cheers !
great object, less great saleswoman
It's a great object but the creator doesn't answer any notecards/messages therefore she deserves one star less. I've had the wish to get a two-display-only version (was even ready to pay for that) but found finally a way to do that by myself without harming the script and offering this to you all here now in the following link:
No good for India
I tried the Custom setting and it didn't work.
Best SL gift I ever got
What a great idea, a multi timezone clock, I have put it right at the landing point of my land. It keeps me from getting lost in time ;-)
Just what I needed :)
Now I shouldn't be confused about the time. I just have to remember which time zone I'm in :P
Lovely, once you figure it out.
At first I didn't realize that I HAD to set a time zone in order to change a label. I kept trying to click the label to change it, since the time zone was okay. Once I figured it out I was able to change my label after selecting the same time zone that was displayed. Would love a mod version.
It's a crying shame this thing is such a behemoth for prims. It's unstretchable, so unlike the user who was able to mod it as a hud, I wasn't able to change its size. Maybe if I set it further away... hm....
That said, there's someone else selling this on the MP for $1L. Not cool. If you want to give this as a gift, just buy it, log in and drop it on the friend's profile.