Carbon Fiber Steering Wheel
Includes Mesh and Texture Map; both full perms.
By purchasing you agree to the following:
End User License Agreement
YOU CAN use the textures to create your own builds.
YOU MUST NOT sell the textures or give them away.
YOU MUST NOT use them on other websites or virtual worlds.
The full perm set includes pre-built examples.
YOU CAN use these examples to sell in your builds.
YOU MUST NOT sell or give the pre-built mesh, or builds created using the mesh, to anyone with full permissions, or copy + transfer permissions or any way that would allow another person to resell the mesh.
YOU MUST NOT use them on other websites or virtual worlds.
See item in Second Life- Full Perms
- Low Land Impact of 1
A nice clean build and most importantly, the center of the object is the center of the steering column and NOT off to the side or off center in some way! This seems to be a big problem for a lot of content creators! Nice to see someone get it right! Great job! Thanks so much!