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FURWARE joyride - Flying fun vehicle Version 1.1

FURWARE joyride - Flying fun vehicle

FURWARE joyride is a fun flying vehicle with FURWARE style. It doesn't use standard vehicle physics. Instead it uses its own system to keep in balance and control the thrust in the different directions. You can control it much like your avatar:

- W/A/S/D to move forward, backward and to rotate left and right.
- E and C to fly up and down.
- Shift-A or Shift-D to strafe left or right.

Instead of W/A/S/D and E/C you can also use the arrow keys and Page Up/Page Down.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

*** The complete manual is available on the web at


  • Simple controls much like when flying with your avatar
  • Custom flight physics