[FaTaL]Bow Curla v3.6
[FaTaL] Weapons are compatible with GM,
Creation of legal GM weapons.
- Custom Scripts based on the GM standards
- Dynchan Mode (Dynamic Channel)
- One HUD for all FaTaL weapons
- Customizeable HUD- Buttons sort for Owner
- Weapons are HUD and Chat controlled
- (Both works all on same channel, so only one listen event needed)
- Best possible Low Lag design
- Customezeable Draw & Sheath text on all wepons
- Settings memory on all weapons
- Automatic Update delivery on rezz for free
Commands and usage:
/1 draw bow
(draws the bow)
/1 sheath bow
(sheaths the bow)
/1 stance bow balance
(usual use of the bow, speed is 60)
/1 stance bow skirmish
(use for shots over walls or little hills,speed is 30 and massive drop of the arrow, Usage: shoot in the sky in mouselook and use the minimap for the direction)
/1 drawtext bow <text>
(set your own drawtext. Example: /1 drawtext bow draws the bow fast <--Look in chat like: YourName draws the bow fast (your name will set in front of the text. Works only if weapon is drawn. To delete the text write: /1 drawtext bow)
/1 sheathtext bow <text>
(set your own sheathtext. Example: /1 sheathtext bow sheaths the bow back <--Look in chat like: YourName sheaths the bow back (your name will set in front of the text. Works only if weapon is drawn. To delete the text write: /1 sheathtext bow)
/1 status
(Get the weapon status. Works only if weapon is drawn)
/1 indicator on
(Turns the hit indicator on, You´ll get hit messages from the arrows if direct or splat hit)
/1 indicator off
(Turns the hit indicator off, You´ll get no hit messages from the arrows if direct or splat hit)
/1 range bow short
(Short range arrow. Speed is 60, delay is 0.8)
/1 range bow long
(Long range arrow. Speed is 65, delay is 0.9)
/1 high bow <0.7 - 1.4>
Sets the high for the arrows in mouselook. Example: /1 high bow 1.1 [works from 0.7 - 1.4]
/1 removerope
This removes the rope from the rope arrow
How to shoot a rope:
Hold in mouselook the "Down" or "c" Butten on your keyboard pressed and leftclick the mouse to shoot. This will shoot rope arrow.
This arrow makes no damage on hit an avatar. The maximum reach of the rope is 96m. If the rope arrow gets grip within 96m a pole will be in front of you. To climb the rope sit on the tip or the pole. This is also possible on the arrow side (sit on the arrow).
Beware of enemys ;o) Everyone, who is close enough to the pole or the arrow, can cut the rope. For cutting klick on the tip of the pole or on the arrow. A menu will come up, where you can choose to cut the rope. Cutting the rope takes 3 seconds. If the rope is cutted, everyone will fall down from the rope who´s climbing.
To remove the rope; say in chat /1 removerope or click on the button "Remove" at the HUD.
L$ 299
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- User Licensed