FULL SIM surround, only 2 prim, simple, great for homestead or full sims.
This is a lovely Stratus rock surround for use with FULL sims or Homesteads. It is extremely simple to use, simply rez it anywhere on your sim or homestead, and it automatically positions itself and deactivates the script inside so it causes no lag. Rez and DONE! Only 2 prim so it's fantastic for homesteads where you don't want to use up tons of prims for a surround! SPECIAL feature, you can actually right click "sit" on your surround to enjoy the fantastic view from the mountain tops! Don't forget to wear your free included Parachute (transferable so you can give it to visitors) it's a LONG way down! Two decorative landscaping rocks included for your land! One uses an experience, allowing anyone to click it and sit on the surround easily! The other rock when clicked will refresh the sculpt in the event that it doesn't appear for you!
Simple rez and done
Only 2 prim
No script lag (deactivates after rez)
Only one texture to load.
Free transferable parachute
Stand up on the mountain top and skydive off!
For full sims or homesteads (SEE MAP for where it can be used!!! CANNOT be used where sims join on any side only corners)