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Faeline: Urban Kitty Tail, Ears & Claws

Faeline: Urban Kitty Tail, Ears & Claws
Faeline: Urban Kitty Tail, Ears & Claws
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For the streewise neko.

HUGE price reductions on all Faeline Kitty Tails, Ears and Sets from 8th September 2012 with up to 65% off previous prices.

Urban Kitty Tail, v2.0
Stylish flyaway strands, customisable chat, thousands of variations of colour and optional bindings all fully menu driven.
* Change your own chat, with full built in help
* 11 basic colours and textures
* 11 highlight strand colours and textures
* Optional string, barbed wire or leather bindings
* Special effect such as glowing and flies
When touched by others it chats randomly and will operate in either girl or boy mode

Urban Kitty Ears, v5.1
Loads of variations in one pair of ears; these are truly outstanding ears. Customise the chat including full display name support, fully menu driven. And select from a large range of colours, fur highlights and decorations.
* 11 inside, outside and tuft colours all independently set
* 11 optional highlight colours
* Decorate each ear with rings, fish bones or sticking plasters
Customisable chat set in a notecard so you can use any phrases you want in any language. You can also use display names or first or full name. The chat can be either random when an ear is touched or you can offer a menu to the person touching it.
Adjustable ear size and adjust to your head and hair size.
The ears will move like a cat's ears depending on your mood. You can select one of: alert, aggressive, cross, relaxed, listening or random.

Claws, v7.0
Stylish and dangerous claws for the animal in you. Resize to your fingers perfectly. Command and menu driven with custom chat and many different colours, textures and decorations.
No kitty, neko or furry should be without these claws.
* Clean, dirty, bloody and gold and silver metallic looks
* Rainbow and techno options
* Nail art with 8 different designs
* Optional glint/sparkle
* 12 different colours
* Extend and retract options
* Claws chat; use them on people around you
* Menu and command driven
* Adjustable to your hand size
* Usable by boys and girls
* Customisable notecard based chat
* Operates on one hand or both
* Full user guide included
* Built in command help

See item in Second Life
  • Urban Kitty Tail
  • Urban Kitty Ears
  • Claws

L$ 400

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Faeline Fairy
Faeline Fairy
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