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[Fairport] AK74SU Assault Rifle Version 4.1

[Fairport] AK74SU Assault Rifle

[Fairport] AK74SU Assault Rifle
Real Life History and Specs:

Caliber: 5.45 x39mm Warsaw Pact
Action: Gas-operated blow back
Weight: 2.7 kg (6.0 lb)
Overall length (stock extended):735 mm (28.9 in)
Barrel length: 210 mm (8.3 in)
Magazine capacity: 30 rounds

The AK74SU is little more than a carbine of the AK74S assault rifle; the folding stock varient of the Soviet AK74. It came out in 1974 with the other then-newly-released 5.45mm caliber stamped receiver AK47 derivatives. It first saw action most wide spread with Soviet special forces in the invasion of Afghanistan in the late 1970's and since then has spread around the world to virtually everywhere regular AK47 and AK74 rifles can be found. The weapon was primarily designed for vehicle crews and special forces but is interesting in that it has a very well made flash suppressor and shortened gas system that doesn't seem to hinder the weapon's accuracy or effectiveness even though it's lighter weight and shorter barrel length than the full sized AK rifles.The weapon is still manufacturered today though with varying furniture improved from the early days of Soviet bakelite parts that would crack and break more easily than today's plastic. Many former sattelite nations of the Soviet Union still produce direct copies of the weapon or their own localized versions. The following countries have used or still do use the AK74SU or localized varients: Afghanistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bulgaria, China, East Germany, Estonia, Georgia, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Mongolia, North Korea, Poland, Romania, Russia, Somalia, Soviet Union Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan.
SL Specs
Default velocity: 180

Magazine capacity: 30

Select fire: semi and full auto

Left click on the gun with your mouse to see how many bullets in the current magazine.

Chat Commands (channel 0 or channel 1)
(Gestures for with shortcuts to some commands are included in the pack)
Function / Command

Semi automatic: semi

Fully automatic: auto

Sling: s or sling

Draw: d or draw

Velocity change: vel:###
*Note: ### is the number, for instance velocity of 200 would be vel:200

Throw gun: fthrow
*Note: This feature's just for fun basically. It will throw your gun on the ground and detach it from your avatar. You'll need to go back into your inventory and reattach the gun after doing this if you want to use it again.
Melee: press a and d or left and right
*Note: this must be done very quickly, both keys pressed at the same time, effective range for melee is approximately 3 meters.

Firing: To fire the gun, simply enter mouse view mode and left mouse click. Holding down in automatic will fire until the left mouse button is released, semi automatic will fire once per mouse click.

Thank you for your purchase, and enjoy.
[Fairport] Products (TM) belongs to Buyer Baxton

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