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This build comes in a menu driven rezzer. Easily choose the season, add animated animals, change the weather, and more.
The build is a 64M X 64M Sky Dome
Here is an overview of the menu:
There is both a full and light version for each of the four seasons, the lite version having some décor removed for a lower land impact. The land impact for each season is different, but the range approximately is from 510LI - 770LI.
This option rezzes the sky dome, trees and plants, waterfall, fairy tree house and hobbit house. Both houses are fully furnished. The tree house sits 4 petite avatars and the hobbit house fits small and medium sized avatars. All sitters for animations use AVsitter and have built in options for adjusting positions to fit various types and sizes of avatars. The camp fire sits 4 avatars and rezzes food. The pond sits multiple both petite and non-petite avatars. The kitchen in the hobbit house also rezzes food items on sit.
There are a lot of fun animated items for each season! Fairy animations to flutter around the wisteria in Spring, pick berries and veggies in Summer, and build a snowman and make snow angels in Winter.
There is an option for each of the 4 seasons. All animals are animated. They will start on touch. Some are also scripted to "sit". The dragon that appears flying overhead in Summer is rideable, as well as the thunderbird that rezzes in Fall. Additionally the standing unicorn has petting and sitting animations.
The land impact range is 30-76 LI
There is both an option for rain and snow.
The land impact range is 24-30 LI
Here you have such fun extras as a rainbow, full moon, animated fireworks, and aurora.
The land impact range is 5-26 LI
Add extra ambiance with particles. Here you can add bubbles, stars, butterflies, or fog.
The land impact is 10 LI
You can add forest sounds, water, or wind.
The land impact is 6 LI
This allows you to rezz a shell around your sky dome if you do not wish anyone to see in from the outside, or you don't want the ability to walk in and out of the sky dome.
The land impact is 8 LI
This is very nice
Beautiful forest, dreamy
This is amazing!!!
I love it! Best build for Tiny Avatars I have seen and this will be my home for a long time to come. It's nice to get something that is far beyond your expectations once in a while and this is a real gem. I got way more then I expected. A shout out to the creator. Thanks!!!
Truly Amazing Forest with Many Special Details
This is among the best builds I have seen in Second Life! It is easy to deploy and has many nice touches. It's incredible what you get for this price, the various seasons, weather, houses, furniture -- all with realistic detail. You do need to have about 500-600 prims available for this build and a large lot but given everything it is worth it. It is in fact on mod, and you can decide to deploy parts of it or all of it. Very happy to have found this skybox after years of looking for something this good.