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Fairy outfit FULLPERM

Fairy outfit FULLPERM

Click to ↑ "Wach in action" to see it in action

Leg Decoration
Wings (rigged to Wing1 bone)
Mid heels
2 wing animations

--Body Compatible

* DO NOT sell included textures and just recolored by color picker textures.
* DO NOT sell/give as full perm
* DO 20% from every sell
* DO provide link to this product or shopname
* DO include my logo to your preview image

  • full perm
  • fitted mesh
  • set
Average rating: full star full star full star empty star empty star
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  • 4 star:
  • 3 star:
  • 2 star:
  • 1 star:
Fairy Outfit - no demo and restrictive resale
full star full star full star empty star empty star Posted April 06, 2021 by CaidenceHarrison

While the mesh is wonderful, I would not recommend this item to other designers. There is no demo and there is no mention of the very restrictive resale proviso which states:

"for reselers: y can do whatever y want if y have some L$ for me. Bring to me 100L$ from every sale, but do not bring trouble."

Had the resale qualification be made known in the ad, I would not have purchased this item at all. There is no value for money in this outfit unless you want to design and wear it yourself.

3 Stars is for the mesh alone.

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