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Female Saiyan Transformation v2.0

Female Saiyan Transformation v2.0

Now all girls can became Saiyan!!! inside this box you can find all clothes, armour and a simple HUD for became: SSJ1 - SSJ2 and SSJ3.
Great effects and sounds..look picture ^^


Dragonball , dragon ball , Goku , Sayan , Majin bu - buu , dragonballZ , Vegeta , Guldo , Junior , Piccolo , Ki Blast , Kamehameha , Gotenks , Freezer, Gogeta

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full star full star empty star empty star empty star Publicado July 03, 2014 por brandyember3473

It's decent, but you can't mod anything to fit a preexisting avatar, plus the hair is wonky. If you don't mind detaching the Super Saiyan hair each time after a transformation, then it would be good. Personally, i find it a little shoddy. think I'll ask for my money back.

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