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Field Daisies - Fat Pack - 3 different styles

Field Daisies - Fat Pack - 3 different styles
Field Daisies - Fat Pack - 3 different styles
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Field Daisies - Fat Pack

A few field flowers for a meadow, mountain base or for use in your garden. High contrast texture set themselves off from green grass or a tree base.

Three styles in the package to decorate with.

1 Round, place at the base of a tree or pillar for some variety in your forest floor or meadow.
1 Flat for up against a wall - emits stray daisy petals for interest
1 Flexi, for a little bit of movement in your sim

Copy and Modify on all three
Custom textures.
1 prim each

Please enjoy

See item in Second Life
  • 3 Daisy Sets, Cluster, Flexi and Flat with particle petals emitting
  • Custom textures created from scratch
  • Copy and modify - Use as many as you wish and adjust sizes

L$ 275

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Frosty Insoo - Savage
Frosty Insoo - Savage
Sold by: Frosty Insoo

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Land Impact: 1