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Fitted Kemono Torso Working Outfit (Petite)

Fitted Kemono Torso Working Outfit (Petite)

A working outfit for Kemono avatars.

It has 6 faces (the sleeves, collar, main fabric, buttons, pocket and skirt) which are fully modifiable and tintable, the normal (bump) maps are installed, and the AO & UV maps are also included as per usual for you modders out there of course!

Enjoy! :)

This is the petite fitted kemono torso version, the busty fitted kemono torso version can be found in related products

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Not bad, but meh
full star full star full star empty star empty star Posted November 12, 2017 by wolfiespring

The texture is ok! the overall sizes are excellent.
The quality is good enough
buutt its not really mind-blowing
With my ao, unlike other fitted kemono torso compatible outfits, I have regularly pieces of body poking out like at shoulders... I have to manually hide nipples when i put it on ...
I personally won't use it, but I do think its a solid (althou average?) clothing piece

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