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Flaming Candy Corn Zombies Version 1.4

Flaming Candy Corn Zombies

This fun Halloween effect, when triggered by anyone (touch or step-on versions included), launches a bunch of flaming candy corn zombies that run around the target avatar randomly and follow them if they try to walk away. After a bit, they vanish.

See in action: https://gyazo.com/8ea673e33206708a211f4e1413862c0c

Rez the touch version and if anyone touches it, it will launch the zombies that will follow them.
Rez the step-on version and if anyone steps on it, it will launch the zombies that will follow them.
Wear/add the HUD and launch at any avatar withing 60 meters.

For best viewing from a distance, set your viewer LOD to 4.

The launcher objects are modifiable so you can change the size, shape, textures, transparency, etc., using the viewer's editing tools. You can even make your own box and put my script and zombie object in it. Use your imagination!

You can also change or suppress the floating text as follows:
1. Set the Description field to the floating text you want to show.
2. To blank the floating completely, delete everything in the Description field.
3. To show floating text of "Launching at <avatar name>" while launching, put one or more blank spaces in the Description field.

NOTE: The owner must have rez rights on the land for zombies to launch. Any avatar can launch spiders at themselves by touching or stepping on the respective box. They don't have to have rez rights. Only the launcher object owner does. Great for Halloween parties and other venues, SL Burning Man, etc.

NOTE: Candy Corn Zombie object created by Raindrop Lowbeam of FLOOD Products and incorporated herein in accordance with their TOS.

HALLOWEEN SPECIAL SALE: Click below for link to Halloween Specials at my in-world store.

See item in Second Life View Video »
  • Fun Halloween or party effect
  • Launches candy corn zombies that follow you
  • Can target any avatar
  • Includes touch, step-on and HUD launchers
  • Requires owner to have land rez rights