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Fleece Vest Set [2cute] Nepal Blue

Fleece Vest Set [2cute] Nepal Blue

Stylish Vest, Tie and Dress Shirt Combination in fashionable Colors.
This is all one-piece item fitted for Tweenster.
Please Try the demo! DEMO free at my inworld main store.

Everything cost less at my inworld store, up to 20% less and maybe on sale

2cute Fashion Co. The largest Kids clothing and accessories store in Second Life. The Kid’s SUPER STORE.

2cute Fashion Co. is a one-stop shop for all things trendy fashion forward styles, at unbeatable prices and almost everything cost less inworld.

Quality Mesh fashionable clothes for Kids and Teens.

Please Visit our inworld store for HUGE selection of quality kids clothing and accessories. We specialize in Kids and Teen clothes. Many of our clothes will fit adults also. Group Gifts and Group Freebies.

Custom Textures & Colors:

There are too many variations of color and fabrics than I can possibly make, but I can make you any desired color of these items.

If You have any problems, please contact Chandler “Umbo Resident” inworld and I will try my best to help fix any issues.

Second Life の商品を表示
  • Tweenster
  • Bebe Youth
  • Youth Chonk