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Flight FX - Sparkles - Fly Effects when Flying - Particle Effect Script Version 2.0

Flight FX - Sparkles - Fly Effects when Flying - Particle Effect Script

Just wear it and fly!
It's that easy.

Updated to v2.0 2018

This box contains 1 Script and 1 Example Object.
You can wear the Example Object right out of your inventory and it will attach to your Pelvis by default.
You can choose to attach it anywhere but your results may vary.
If you wear the Example Object, it will automatically burst the effects anytime you Fly.
You can drop the script into any item that you have Modify Rights to.
The effect will automatically burst anytime you Fly.

Both the Script and the Example Object (1 prim) are FULL PERM.
Copy - you can copy as many as you want.
Transfer - you can drop the script into your project and sell your own creation (containing the script) as long as the product is not primarily based on this script.
*You may not sell the Script or the Example Object by themselves, or in a script package.
*You may not give this away in your store but you can give a couple out to your friends and no one is going to come after you =)

UPDATE: A script is now provided called 'Flight FX - Controller (optional)'.
You can drop this script into the same prim as the Flight FX script and you now have the ability to chat the effect On and Off.
Just chat any of the following key words in regular chat channel '0' (public chat):

To turn the effect On:
fx on | fxon | effects on | effectson | effect on | effecton | flight fx on | flightfxon | flight effects on | flighteffectson | flight effect on | flighteffecton

To turn the effect Off:
fx off | fxoff | effects off | effectsoff | effect off | effectoff | flight fx off | flightfxoff | flight effects off | flighteffectsoff | flight effect off | flighteffectoff

Questions or Comments? please contact Drake Faudeburgh

Animation Station since 2010
Particle Station since 2011

Have Fun Creating!
-Drake Faudeburgh

See item in Second Life
  • Great Effect when you are flying
  • Transfer Permissions for builders
  • Copy as many as you want
  • Modify too!
  • Optional script for chat control