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Floating Rocks

Floating Rocks
Floating Rocks
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Please visit new version's page
(g.) floating rocks 20220326

same price, same object, but they are edited and uses new feature of SL. So You can make the same object, but you don't need to edit them if you get new version.
This item remains only for redelivery .

If you purchased it before and interested in new version, please contact Gumi Yao.


floating rocks.
top of rocks are not flat and have plants, so it is not good for sky plat form. However the object is modifiable, so you can cut them and add your favorite floor.

big rock's base is 40x40x40m huge prim. It is made up of 9prims
small rock's base is 20x20x20 huge prim. It has 24m vine(root?) and made up of 9prims.

Please visit in-world shop; Gumi's Flower Shop. You can see a demo and lots of sculpted flowers. and get free gift.

See item in Second Life

L$ 120

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Gumi's Flower Shop   origami
Gumi's Flower Shop origami
Sold by: Gumi Yao

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Land Impact: 17