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Flow Footbridges

Flow Footbridges

Flow Footbridges, by Kharmen Spad

These Flow Footbridges are inspired by the bridges of that name developed by Knight Architects for Network Rail (UK) in 2020-2022. See:

Three configurations are supplied here, the U-Flow, and the right & left handed S-Flow, which allow the bridges to fit various railway and station layouts.

They are built to suit a narrow-gauge railway with a deck of length 6m & width 2.5m and a clearance of 3.6m, but they can easily be Ctrl-dragged to any other scale. With modify & copy permissions, they can be retextured and coloured to match your livery.

To install, simply rez and lower the bridge so that the feet ramps just touch the ground. The triangular supports will then embed into the ground and may be provided with concrete bases for realism if required.

Comments & questions can be sent to Kharmen Spad in IM.

  • Futuristic design
  • Low prim
  • Easily modified