Flower Heart Valentines Bear
Snuggle bears are not only cute, but, are scripted with several features to show you care.When rezzed your bear will automatically store your name as it's giver and will store the name of the person you give it to when they rez it
When touched, your bear will speak in open chat a message
"RECEIVER Happy Valentine's Day, Love From ... GIVER
RECIEVER & GIVER will be replaced with Second Life name and the Second Life name of the person you've given the bear too... all automatically. The bear also plays the full song .Have I Told You Lately-Rod Stewart
Touch again and again... your message is a permanent reminder of your love.
This item should not be gifted as it needs to be rezed by the sender then taken back to inventory before given to someone else, this is so the names can be recorded.
All these features make this teddy bear the absolute best way to show someone special that you care. An unbeatable value priced low because I do not believe showing love should cost thousands of lindens. Come check out my other bear designs as well as my cards and gifts at Snuggles Sim
See item in Second Life
- Adds your name as the giver to the message on rez
- Adds the recievers name to the message when they rez it
- Plays music on touch .Have I Told You Lately-Rod Stewart