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Fly by H&G 12 prims

Fly by H&G 12 prims

Fly by H&G 12 prims: Very natural fly with every detail: the transparent wings, the facet eyes, the legs. Everything is shaped and colored as detailled as Second Life ever allows.

The texture is very small sized which means for your sim or your land: quick loading times.

Nothing shall keep you and your friend to see your nice items and your home as soon as possible!

As the item is modify, you can take the money out and use it just as pot for flowers or cooking.

This item is thought for your home, your garden, your mall, your role play sim, your shop, your castle, your manor house,....

  • very natural Fly by H&G 12 prims
  • nicely shaped sculpted prim sculpty
  • permission copy and modify
  • small textures used, this means low lag
  • self created gadget unique in SL