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Flying 3D Mesh Pteranodon (with sound)

Flying 3D Mesh Pteranodon (with sound)

Hello and thank you for your interest in Ancient Designs products!

This is a full 3D mesh (NOT a flat texture!) animal.
Thanks to a low-lag, no-nonsense script, the pteranodon will circle above your sim and emitt a sublte call at random intervals.

Upon purchase you will receive an adult male, adult female and a young animal - each has correct size established by paleontologists. The males were significantly larger than the females. We do not know what color were they, though its reasonable to assume that given the difference in size there were also other visual differences between the sexes. I have decided to follow up on this and give the adult males a vibrant red head (see atached screenshots).

The Pteranodon was a pterosaur - a large extinct flying reptile. It lived in the late cretaceous in North America, sharing its habitat with large dinosaurs of that era.

This animal will be a great and exotic addition to your sim or club. It is an absolute "must-have" for anyone who wishes to create a sim with a dinosaur theme.


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Very Simple and easy to use
full star full star full star full star full star Posted September 11, 2023 by Frisco Garnet

This is old school, but not that old. The other reviewers are right, the wings don't flap, but these guys were gliders. This is really exactly what I wanted. He won't get lost, no complex setup. Just stick him at the height you want and forget it. Much better than my lovely hammerhead shark that keeps going off world. Like, just swim in a circle, see the flying dino, just do like he's doing. PS. If you want to spend 3K, you can get your flappy wings.

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Just a mesh object making circles in the air
full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Posted November 12, 2022 by Woolfyy

Nothing really looking like a bird, nor wings moving, let"s say that, apart from that, it makes sounds from time to time ...

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A zero point
full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Posted July 08, 2022 by Bornforyourass

it just glides without having the slightest wingbeat at least once in a while.
Resizing completely ruins the product.
A zero point.

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Not what i expected
full star full star empty star empty star empty star Posted February 21, 2021 by miauris

It's not moving its wings so it is not flying! just a mesh object spinning in circles, so boring...

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full star full star full star full star full star Posted November 10, 2018 by gotemwideopen4u Delicioso

My baby is into dinosaurs and Ive been looking all over for some decent looking, inexpensive prehistoric animals for her 1st bday party!! Yesss these are perfect!!! Thank you!

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