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Flying broom with sculpt black cat (poofer bat /20 on or /20 off) halloween witch broom 2009 NEW

Flying broom with sculpt black cat (poofer bat /20 on or /20 off) halloween witch broom 2009 NEW

This broom is a scripted wearable vehicle. Simply wear . The broom is controlled by the arrows keys . Is one attachment so its wearable in no build zones . This broom go up and go down and the sit pose is animated .
I included for fun one poofer bat directly in broom , write /20 on or /20 off

2 versions availables ONLY one broom per pack :
-one with one black sculpted cat sitting of broom (sculpt cat with animated demon eyes , moving devil tail and switchy ears). This is in this pack
-one with one green sculpted dragon sitting of broom (sculpt dragon with animated demon eyes , moving devil tail and flexi wings )

Have fun
Witches avatar , demon avatar , flexi hair , witches hat and much more in my shop with free gifts (gown web and bikini halloween in freebies section)

my shop Selenia (74, 48, 351) or see my profil

See item in Second Life