1, Foldingwings AO 1.0 B
2, Foldingwings AO 1.0 B (higher)
3, Readme - you are reading this now.
4, Foldingwings Idle animation - read below
5, Foldingwings Idle animation (higher) - these are a standalone animation for you to use for whenever, do not use it to replace animations in the hud.
During standing or walking states your wings will be folded at your sides, Wings will unfold when you do any of these actions: sitting, running, flying, falling, and face-planting into the dirt.
It is exactly what it says. wings are folded slightly higher (as much I could do at the time without causing severe problems with the wings clipping)
Higher wing folding animation means your wings wont sink into the ground depending on the sit animation for example EDgsit3, your wings no longer clip into the ground!
Upon wearing the Foldingwings AO it should automatically activate. the hud will be a single button in the bottom right, its appearance changes depending if activated or not.
The HUD is also ensured to be modify, move and resizing possible.
1.0 B
-Added more jokes to unpacker box.
-Added standalone Animations.
-Added secondary HUD with higher idle animation.
-Improved idle animation.
- Wings fold when standing or Walking
- Wings unfold when running, Flying, or Sitting
- Animated Stand and walk!
Save your lindens
The animations in this is not great as the wings clip into itself. Only offers two -static- positions
Go get Euro Dragon Wing Fold Hud. It's free, more and better animations. Wish I found it before this one.
worth every penny
Really great add on for Role Play especially. Works beautifully. I highly recommend it.
never realised how much i needed this till i bought it
Lovely product!
I love using it, but i do have one question; are there more animations planned? for example will it be possible in the future to have our wings folded while sitting and running?
Roleplayers definitely need this.
And now I can squeeze through narrow tunnels and stand in a group of people without knocking them all down like so many bowling pins.
An absolute must-have for the EuroDragon
The only real issue is why the avatar didn't come with this feature in the first place.
It's awesome heroes in the community like this that save us all from under-developed products.
Great work!