Forever Yours - Bento Wedding Ring Set - TxChnge - by Chop Zuey Couture Jewellery
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Presenting the Stunning 'Forever Yours' Bento Wedding Ring Set in Texture Change! Un-Rigged and Resizable but fits and moves with Bento Hands.
This Wedding Ring Set is Just Breathe-Taking! Includes 4ct. Emerald Cut Solitaire Engagement Ring with Matching Men's and Women's Wedding Band. Totally Elegant Set!!!!
Also includes 2 Separate Texture Change Huds for Men & Women.
Men's Hud Includes 16 Gems & 5 Metals with HIDE GEM Option!
Women's Hud has 20 Gemstones & 4 Metals Options.
All Wedding Ring are Transfer and work on all Bento Hands.
Surely you cannot miss the Exquisite and Amazing Detail of these Rings along with the Superb Quality you've come to know and love from Chop Zuey Couture Jewellery!