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Found Footage - TWI Wolf Headmods - Beta Version 1.0

Found Footage - TWI Wolf Headmods - Beta

Requires the TWI Wolf avatar and some decent modding skills (linking and unlinking)
In this pack is

x4 Head Replacements for Timber Wilds Industries Timberwolf (Normal, tiny, big, gigantique)

How to use:

- Rez (drag from inventory to ground) your TWI Wolf's Head and your purchased head modification.

- Right click the head, check Edit Linked, and remove your head and Head Markings (invisible) sections.

- Rez and select your new head mod parts, THEN your old head parts, and link.

- Important. Go through the HUD, resetting your Fur Base, Fur Normals, Fur Specular, and the same for the Extras. Ensure your Fur Base and Extras have the same Tint color. Neglecting any part of this will result in color seams.

- Use your appliers, either purchased or that came with the avatar, to apply your textures to the new parts.