Foxx Run A frame Cabin House
Foxx Run Log A frame Cabin House.this house is 75 LI with no kitchen or furniture, but you can add your favorite stuffs to it, the house itself is fully mod so you can change stuff to taste, but be careful and use edit linked to move one thing at a time. most of the house is mesh prims , the house is mod and copy, and you must own the land, fits a 2048 rectangle lot on mainland, but would probably be better on a 4096 lot PLEASE USE THE FOOTPRINT FIRST, its free, its like a demo to see if it will work on your lot FIRST. but if you are reading this you already have the house. the rezz box will not work on land you do not own. so if you buy this and it doesn't work, we have included a non rezz boxed version in this package for people that have rezz rights but not owners rights because the rezz box requires owners rights except on mainland which will allow group owned to use, some sim rental agencies do not allow people to have those specific rights. so if the rezz box doesnt work, use the non rezz box version.
We try to have good customer service, but most times we are slow to respond because we dj and have other SL jobs, so if you see us online and we do not respond right away we will get to you as soon as we are available.
There is a extra triangle wall , floor and a sink wall add on for the angled roof in this package for you to add to or modify for a kitchen or a sink or a bed., this spacious home has open floor plan, stairs inside. 4 doors, upper porches on both sides, custom stained glass. the possibilities are endless.
We only warranty against defects we may have missed during the build, such as wall gaps and the like. so with that please use the foot print we have made to make sure this fits in your lot. thanks.
DrDuh of Duh's Whats.
- Cabin of logs
- A frame
- House
L$ 850
Land Required
This item requires that you have access to land in Second Life in order to use it.
- Copy
- Modify
- Transfer
- User Licensed