A thin bronze frame and a nice beige fabric matte make this an awesome frame, especially since it's alpha in the center.
INSTRUCTIONS: Before mesh came along and the advent of drop-and-drag art frames, there were frames consisting of a single prim. They are easy to use. Place the art on the wall where you want it, place the frame on the wall next to it, then slide the frame under the art prim. You may have to move it back just a bit to see the art. You can mod the size of the frame prim so that it fits as you like it around the art. Then you can adjust the depth of the art so that it doesn't stick out. The art prim should not be flat or thin, it needs some depth to it, so as to prevent prim shimmer (one thin prim laid too tightly over another.) If you have any questions contact Angevine Gant.
You can modify this item, which means you can turn full bright on or off, among other modifications.
IMAGERY provides dozens of art collections in texture-changing displays, as well as modern art, landscapes, seascapes, vintage ads, movie posters, celebrity art, street art, fantasy art, animals, digital, seasonal & MORE. Quality textures, textured prims, rugs, and frames. Rug, frame & art collections also available. Prices range from 9-49L
If you would like a customized 8-in-1 texture changing frame, rug or personal art collection, please contact Angevine Gant. The cost will be 49L. Please choose from the Imagery store stock.