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.~FrozenDreams~. Bento Hand Animation- Clenching Fists

.~FrozenDreams~. Bento Hand Animation- Clenching Fists

If you are interested in using these animations for your own products, contact me with the calling card included in the readme notecard.

1 bento hand animation
1 attachable object to play animations with AO
Readme file detailing how to use animations with Firestorm AO + contact info

The preview only shows one hand, but the animation is on both.

Please contact me with questions or problems and I'll try to help as best as I can.

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Not a clenched fist.
full star empty star empty star empty star empty star Posted February 28, 2019 by Anantzi

This is a looping animation, passing between an open hand, a clenched fist, and a finger roll. Completely not what I was looking for nor what the name and ad image promised.

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Halfway Decent
full star full star full star empty star empty star Posted November 04, 2017 by Kuhntee's a fist animation.
But it's a little more than that.

It's very...weird.

You think a clenched fist would be just that, but it wiggles around all over the place, and the animation is very strange.

I would suggest it if you just need something quick to test out, but...
Yeah, it's not very pretty looking.

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Frozen Dreams
Frozen Dreams
Sold by: RikardOfTheSnow

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