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Fudoshin Katana V1.0 - Mesh Combat Scripted Japanese Katana, Classic Samurai Sword Version 1.0

Fudoshin Katana V1.0 - Mesh Combat Scripted Japanese Katana, Classic Samurai Sword

The most legeandary, iconic, and cherished weapon of the feudal era is without a doubt the Japanese katana. Fudoshin Creations has created a very special Katana to represent both the heart and skill of the feudal Japanese warrior. If you are a Samurai, Ninja, or even a warrior monk, you will admire this well crafted elegant and deadly weapon. This katana was built to exacting measurements and construction from authentic Japanese katanas. We have custom made the tsuba (sword guard) with an inset Fudoshin dragon to symbolize the ushakable will and spirit of this blade.
The Fudoshin katana is a part of our Shogun Series weapons. This means that the katana is both very deadly and useful for role play purposes as well. The Fudoshin Katana comes with many extras including a display stand with a mounted Fudoshin Katana, a sword cleaning kit, a katana tansu or sword chest, a complete cleaning scene with unasembled sword and animations.
This is a very unique katana in all of Second Life. Stop by the main store and see it first hand.

Items Included:
Fudoshion Katana - 12 Prims (0 worn as attachment)
Fudoshin Katana in Saya - 11 Prims (0 worn as attachment)
Fudoshin Katana Tansu - 20 Prims
Fudoshin Katana Display - 15 Prims
Fudoshin Creations Weapons Pose Stand - 2 Prims
Origami (Blade Papers) - 1 Prim
Draw Gesture
Sheath Gesture
Unmounted Blade for Cleaning Scene
Sword Cleaning Kit
Rice Paper for Polishing Blade
Animated Cleaning Scene

Download instructions See item in Second Life
  • Shogun Series Weapon
  • 100% Mesh
  • DCS2, CHAOS, URA, and NH Combat Meter Compatible
  • Includes many extras for role play
  • Very Detailed Japanese Sword