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Full Moon Stepping Stones

Full Moon Stepping Stones

** Full Moon Stepping Stones **

These are lovely decorative stepping stones that create an interesting pathway through any landscape.
I've included a plain flagstone as well that does not have a decorative graphic on it -- using only the decorative one can be a bit overwhelming if the pathway is long, so mixing a plain stone with decorative ones sometimes looks better.

There's a great prim savings with these stones -- when linked together the prim count is half. For example, 8 linked together is only 4 prims, or 2 linked together is only one prim.

After rezzing stepping stones (they rez linked in a curve configuration) then unlink them so you can move each stone wherever you want (there's an unlink button toward the top of your edit box).
Each stone can be moved individually as it is a separate stone, and this makes customizing a pathway very easy -- curve to the left, to the right, follow a slight incline, or arrange in a straight line.
These stones work well on slight inclines too, but if the incline is steep then a stairway will be needed, and these stones can be arranged in a stairstep fashion too (in a straight line or curved steps configuration). A small sample stairs/steps configuration is included -- tuck the terrain around the edges to hide any transparency on the bottom of the stones that might be showing -- embedding the stones into the terrain in this way creates a natural look.
** Don't forget to link when finished, as this will reduce prim count.

The stones can be changed to any texture, but it will not have the lovely shading that is part of the baked texture.
Stones can change size too, but it will affect where feet meet the stone if enlarged too much (feet will sink in a bit).

~ Modifiable
~ Copyable
~ LI/Prims = 1 when two stones are linked -- so be sure and link once the pathway is in place
~ Mesh

Live In Beauty! Luna Bliss
Website: Luna Bliss.us

See item in Second Life
  • Fantasy Decorations
  • Fantasy Landscaping
  • Fantasy Stone
  • Fantasy Decor
  • Fairy Decorations