G General

Full Perm Filigree Wreath

Full Perm Filigree Wreath

Full Perm mesh for personal or commercial use. Decorative mesh wreath with stars and gems at only .5 land impact! Shadow, UV and Normal maps are included as well as sample texture.

This is a great item to add to your Christmas decorations or holiday build.

By purchasing this package, you agree to the following terms and conditions:

- No pieces of this set may be sold or given away as full perm.
- Gypsy Wolf UV maps, AO maps, shadow Maps and textures may not be included in your end product package.
- You may not use the example textures, as is, in your commercial end product. Example textures may be used as is, for your own personal use only.
- You are permitted to use my items for personal or commercial creations in other grids (ie. OSGrid). Items used in other grids are subject to the same terms and conditions stated above. I can upload mesh items to other grids for you for a small fee. Please contact me by notecard if you are in need of this service.

See item in Second Life