Promotion Price : 999
VIP Red Carpet /Barrier Rope/Stair and Stage [Full Perm]
# 100%mesh [request mesh viewer]
# 1 prim each or 2
a. Barrier Stand = 1 impact
b. rope = 1 impact
c. hanging rope = 1 impact
d. rope + stand = 1 Impact
d. 2 rope + 2 stand = 2 impact
# Sharp and detail build
# 14 pre made rope set is ready to use.
## Content##
1. Barrier Post [BP]=1 impact
2. Rope Barrier[RP]=1 impact
3. Hanging Rope [HR]=1 impact
4. Post with hanging rope[PWHR]=1 impact
5. Rope Line 1 [RL1]=1 impact
6.Rope Line 2 [RL2]=2 impact
7.Rope Line 3 [RL3]=2 impact
8. Rope Line 4 [RL4]=4 impact
9.Rope Line 5 [RL5]4 impact
10. Rope Line 6 [RL6]=3 impact
11.Rope Line 7 [RL7]=8 impact
12. Rope Line 8 [RL8]=9 impact
13. VIP Rope Line 1[VRL 1]=8 impact
14.VIP Rope Line 2[VRL 2]=8 impact
15. VIP Rope Line 3[VRL 3]=10 impact
16. VIP Rope Line 4[VRL 4]=8 impact
17.VIP Stair Rope Line [VSRL]=3 impact
18.VIP Roll Carpet [VRC]=1 impact
19. VIP Stage=1 impact
20. read me note
22.product List photo.
special for VIP welcome,wedding,party ,product present/display.
#Therms of use: For Full permission product.#
By purchasing product you agree to do not resell this items as full perms,
you can use and sell them for your own creation. do not give it as full perms for free.
according with DMCA (Digital Millennium Copyright Act) any violation of these terms
will be considered an infringement of our copyrighted and intellectual materials and will be prosecuted.
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Just simply perfect. And it auto rezzed fast and clear One of my best ACENTS vampire CATFIGHT scenes